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Winter Cleaning Tips


This week on I'm A Celebrity, two new celebrities entered the Junkyard, where their task was to convince their fellow campmates they were enduring a miserable experience. In reality, they were secretly enjoying the luxury items available in the Junkyard. Xxx and xxx put on a show by pretending to tackle horrible chores.

Winter is a busy time in your home and accidents are bound to happen.  Here, Cleaning Expert at My Job Quote, Sarah Dempsey, working with tombola, shares the best way to remove the most common winter stains from your carpet and clothes.

How to get stubborn winter stains out of carpet

Red wine 

“The best way to remove red wine from carpet is to use three parts baking soda to one part water. First, lay paper towels down on the spilled wine to absorb as much as possible. Then make up the baking soda paste and apply it to the stain. Leave it to dry and then vacuum up.” 


“Use paper towels to absorb as much of the gravy as you can. Apply an appropriate carpet stain remover to the stain and wait for about five minutes. Using a cloth, rub the stain remover into the carpet fibres. With a dry cloth, pat the area and then wait for it to air dry. Now you can vacuum, and the stain should be gone.”  


“Blot or scrape the chocolate off the carpet. Drip some cold water onto the stain. Using a clean cloth with some liquid detergent on it, rub the stain in circular motions to prevent it spreading. With another cloth dipped in clean water go over the area again to rinse and remove any residue.” 

Winter weather 

“If you get mud on your carpet, it’s best to let it dry first and vacuum it up. Trying to remove wet mud will only make the stain worse. Make a solution with warm water and detergent. Using a clean cloth dab the stain until all of the mud is removed. Let the area dry naturally and vacuum again.” 

How to get stubborn winter stains out of clothing  

Red wine 

“Just like red wine stains on carpet, the best treatment for red wine on clothes is to use a baking soda paste. Simply make a solution using three parts baking soda to one part water. Apply the paste to the stain and allow it to dry, then brush it off and wash the clothes as normal. You can also rub detergent into the stain and soak the article for a couple of hours in cold water.”  


“Remove as much of the gravy as you can, as quickly as possible after the spillage. Gravy is an oil-based substance, so you need to try to act fast. Apply a stain remover or a little laundry detergent to the area. Wait 10-15 minutes and then wash according to the garment instructions.” 


“Scrape off any remaining chocolate and rinse the area with cold water. Don’t use hot or warm water as it will melt the chocolate and spread it. Rub a little detergent or washing up liquid into the stain and leave it for around five minutes. Soak the garment in cold water for 15 minutes, gently rubbing the stain. Rinse and wash as normal.” 

How to clean your blinds/curtains 

“The cleaning method for your blinds and curtains will depend on what they are made from and their specific care instructions. Many curtains need to be dry cleaned but some can be washed in the washing machine.  

Plastic and metal venetian blinds can be wiped down with a mild soap solution, however, take care with wooden blinds as you shouldn’t get these too wet. Instead use a damp cloth for anything wooden. Fabric blinds should be lightly vacuumed and spot cleaned for stains with a mild detergent and warm water."

How to prevent mould forming in your bathroom/living room/kitchen and how to remove it 

“The best way to prevent mould forming in your home is to ensure you have adequate ventilation. In the cold weather, doors and windows tend to be closed, the heating is turned on and clothes are drying indoors. All of this increases the amount of moisture in the air and therefore increases the likelihood of mould build up.  

“To prevent moisture from condensing on cold surfaces and allowing mould to grow, keep your heating on at a low level to raise the background temperature. Warm surfaces don’t allow water vapour to condense which reduces the possibility of mould growth.  

“Opening your windows after a shower and keeping lids on pots when cooking also help. If you do find mould in your home, use a mixture of one part bleach to four parts water and wipe down any affected surfaces.”  

How to clean your towels so they are soft and fluffy again 

“There are a few ways to get your towels soft and fluffy again.  

Firstly, when washing towels, use little, if any, fabric conditioner. Although it may seem appealing, it can build up on the towels, making them stiff and less absorbent over time. Instead, add a cup of white vinegar to the wash cycle to remove detergent buildup and naturally soften your towels. Vinegar helps to balance the pH levels of your laundry, leaving your towels feeling fresh and clean. 

Likewise, overloading the washing machine can hinder the cleaning process, preventing your towels from getting thoroughly clean and fluffy. Give your towels ample space to move freely during the wash cycle and they will be more likely to have a soft and fluffy finish. 

Wash towels separately from other laundry. Washing your towels separately from the other laundry items, especially those with lint, like jeans or fleece, can help prevent lint from sticking to the towels and making them feel rough. 

Avoid any harsh chemicals. Bleach can damage the fibers in your towels, making them rough and less absorbent. Instead, choose gentler cleaning agents to preserve the quality of your towels. 

Let your towels dry naturally, whenever possible, and never on direct heat like a radiator. Air drying your towels can help to maintain their softness and extend their lifespan. Hang them outdoors on a sunny day to naturally freshen and fluff them up. 

If putting your towels in the dryer, give them a good shake to fluff them up and prevent wrinkles from forming. This simple step can significantly improve the softness and fluffiness of your towels. 

Remember - washing your towels in hot water is crucial for effectively killing bacteria and removing dirt and grime. The higher the water temperature, the more effective the cleaning process. A regular cleaning routine will keep your towels fresh and hygienic.”  

How to clean home appliances in preparation for the busy Christmas period


“One of the quickest ways to clean your oven is with a simple paste made of baking soda and water. Create a thick paste and spread it on the surfaces of your oven, including the base, sides and door. Leave it to work overnight and wipe off the next day with a clean cloth. For the oven door, use a scrunched-up piece of aluminum foil and the baking powder paste to scrub the glass. Wipe off any residue with white vinegar.”  

Washing machine 

“At busy times, such as after holidays or when you have family staying, the washing machine may get overworked.   

“It is recommended to clean the drum, dispenser drawer and seals of your washing machine regularly, as this is the best way to prolong its life.  

“An easy and efficient way to give your washing machine a quick clean is to add a cup of white vinegar to the machine and run it on the hottest cycle. This will clear any buildup of detergent and kill off bacteria. You can also use baking soda in the same way.  


“Cleaning your dishwasher regularly is the best way to keep it clean from mould and limescale. Focus attention specifically on the door seal, filter and spray arms. Use white vinegar to target limescale and run it empty on its hottest cycle, to help remove food residue and any associated smells.  

“For quick cleaning before Christmas, invest in a specific dishwasher cleaner and ensure salts and rinse aid are topped up. Dishwasher salt softens the water and ultimately improves the overall cleaning performance of the machine. Rinse aid helps the water to rinse off the items inside the machine, meaning they dry quicker and with less water marks.” 

How to clean your home in preparation for Christmas decorations 

“While the visible parts of your home may get regular cleaning, often the hidden parts are forgotten. That is until you put up Christmas decorations and are confronted with cobwebs in corners and dust on top of cabinets.  

"Festive preparation offers the perfect chance to access corners of the home that need a little TLC. Use the attachments on your vacuum cleaner for getting into corners and use long reach dusters for the tops of pictures, decorative rails and tall furniture. Damp-dust your skirting boards and don’t forget behind the furniture too.”  

How to clean upholstered furniture (chairs, headboard, ottoman) 

“Upholstered furniture requires careful cleaning to keep it looking its best. Before doing anything, check the label for information on how to safely clean a piece of furniture, as every item and material is different.  

“For a general freshen up, start off by vacuuming to remove dust, debris and dirt. If you have any stained areas, use an appropriate stain remover or pre-treatment and a warm, damp microfiber cloth. Use a steam cleaner to clean your upholstery, making sure to work out any marks or stains you come across.” 

How to reorganise your pantry this winter 

“To reorganise your pantry, firstly take everything out and place it in a space where you can clearly see everything. Begin by sorting through your food items, categorising things by type and throwing out anything that is out-of-date or no longer of use.  

“Clean all the shelves, drawers or baskets with antibacterial spray and a warm, damp cloth. Group all similar items together and put them back in their allotted spaces in your pantry, on shelves, containers or storage boxes. Make sure you use containers that fit well on the shelves of your pantry, adjust the shelves if necessary to make the most of the space and utilise empty spaces at the top and underneath shelving units.” 

Author bio: Gabriella Lyden is a member of the Organic Marketing Executive team at tombola. You might find her enjoying a swim or hitting the gym. She also loves exploring new places and going to the cinema while snacking on some Maltesers. Her articles dive into everything from everyday topics to the latest happenings at tombola. 

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